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Player Disclaimer

Player Disclaimer.
All Information contained herein is for the purposes of legality, concerning damages to person and/or persons whilst playing the sport of Airsoft. To include any site used by and for Sierra 2 Airsoft (Known herein as the organisers) and must be signed and dated by the player in agreeing to these terms and conditions of this document (Known Herein as the participant). You must be 18 and above to sign this document as an adult.

By signing this document the participant agrees that no monetary claims pursuant to charges concerning personal damages. this to include and not be exhaustive to, personal property damage, and or any other claim that may arise as a direct or indirect result of taking part in any event on any site used or run by the organisers and/or company affiliates and representatives after the fact.

b). The participant understands that there are inherent risks involved within the sport of Airsoft and that the participant is fully aware of this before agreeing and signing this document.

This document is legally binding and should not be signed by those unwilling to abide by the site(s) Rules and Regulations and/or any of the conditions stated above. Please fill out all fields. Failure to do so will result in you being unable to play and refused entry to the playing area.

This document will be retained for a period of not more than twelve months after the signed date. This is to satisfy the law concerning the Data Protection Act (1998). By digitally signing this document, you are aware of the rules and regulations set down by Sierra 2 Airsoft and that you agree to the above statement. You waive the right to claim damages to person and/or persons and/or civil, commercial, intellectual property during your time on sites with Sierra 2 Airsoft.

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